Using ADX (Azure Data Explorer) to get insights from COVID-19 dataset

Caio Moreno
2 min readMar 19, 2020


Yesterday, I did some Kusto queries to understand more the situation in Spain, UK, Brazil, US, China, Iran, Italy and other parts of the world using COVID-19 (Coronavirus) dataset.

If you want to try as well with your country, see below some ideas of Kusto queries.

Deaths in Spain by the time series.

| project CountryOrRegion, Timestamp, Deaths
| where Deaths > 10
| order by Deaths
| where CountryOrRegion == "Spain"
| render linechart ;

Deaths, Confirmed and Recovered cases in Spain by the time series.

| project CountryOrRegion, Timestamp, Deaths, Confirmed, Recovered
| where Deaths > 10
| order by Deaths
| where CountryOrRegion == "Spain"
| render linechart ;

Confirmed and Recovered cases in Spain by the time series.

| project CountryOrRegion, Timestamp, Confirmed, Recovered
| order by Confirmed, Recovered
| where CountryOrRegion == "Spain"
| render linechart ;

What is ADX (Azure Data Explorer)?

Azure Data Explorer is a fast, fully managed data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from applications, websites, IoT devices, and more. Ask questions and iteratively explore data on the fly to improve products, enhance customer experiences, monitor devices, and boost operations. Quickly identify patterns, anomalies, and trends in your data. Explore new questions and get answers in minutes. Run as many queries as you need, thanks to the optimized cost structure.

What is COVID-19 dataset?

This is the data repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Visual Dashboard operated by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE). Also, Supported by ESRI Living Atlas Team and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU APL).




Caio Moreno
Caio Moreno

Written by Caio Moreno

Solutions Architect @databricks | Professor | PhD | Ex-Microsoft | Ex-Avanade/Accenture | Ex-Pentaho/Hitachi | Ex-AOL | Ex-IT4biz CEO. (Opinions are my own)

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